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C2 CPT - Career Pathing Tool

Engage Employees Through Career Pathing

Career Development and Career Pathing

Your employees’ skills and commitment will soar when you offer them our Career Pathing tool, demonstrating that you value their career development and are dedicated to making their advance possible. Our Career Pathing tool helps your employees to visualize and compare alternative career outcomes, to assess their progress in their current careers, and to evaluate where they stand—and where they should stand—in the job competencies and skills attainment expected of them. Opening these possibilities through Career Pathing calls forth greater employee commitment and retention than ever before.
Bring Transparency And Consistency To Career Planning through Career Pathing Tool

Bring Transparency and Consistency to Career Planning

The C2 Career Pathing Tool (CPT) organizes and structures career information and provides employees with resources and guidance to manage their careers. Employees can use the CPT to view typical career paths and the ways in which they interconnect. Users can also explore paths within specific occupations and build customized career progression plans to take them where they want to go.

Detailed developmental guidance provided by the Career Pathing Tool helps employees focus and accelerate growth to reach their goals faster and more efficiently. The Career Pathing Tool also provides detailed career guidance for each career transition, including brief summaries of job responsibilities for positions of interest and the key competencies required for success in that position.

Take a Quick Tour of the Most Versatile, Robust Career Pathing Tool

All The Features You Want

Our software provides employees with tools to build out meaningful career paths based on their goals and areas of interest, review skill gaps against future jobs, and engage in relevant learning experiences that prepare them for their next roles.
Tailor The Career Path Tool To Your Needs

Tailor The Career Path Tool to Your Needs

  • Align proficiency standards to various career levels
  • Create recommendations for certification sequences
  • Provide a range of custom development activities

Explore the Full Range of Career Paths

  • Break silos and encourage cross-development
  • Identify typical paths of progression within an organization
  • Identify crossover between functional areas

Create Individualized Career Path Plans

  • Print or save multiple individualized career plans
  • Identify competency strengths and areas for improvement
  • Select positions that match preferred working conditions or activities

Section 508 Compliance and Accessibility

  • On-screen course can be made accessible, user-friendly, and 508-compliant
  • Printable version can be created as an alternative for screen readers
Create Individualized Career Path Plans using The Career Path Tool

A Robust Solution for Your Career Pathing Needs

Career Pathing software transforms how employee development is managed in
the work environment. Employees are looking at their careers in new ways.

Case Studies

Today, employees are navigating career lattices that provide new insights into career pathways of all types. C2 Technologies offers a solution that gives employees ease of use and flexibility to explore their paths.